Gallery And Shop Updates
21st March 2020
Little Owl Workshop
1st July 2020Mull Summer Tours 2020
The Covid-19 Coronavirus pandemic has affected plans for 2020 for Pete, and after careful deliberation and discussion with Andy Howard, the decision has been taken to postpone the summer photography trips on Mull, for 12 months.
Existing clients have been contacted already by email or phone.
Otter Workshops
Until a time when travel to Mull is deemed safe, not just for the clients but more importantly the residents of the island, Pete won't be taking bookings for otter workshops. In all likelihood, workshops won't be able to commence again until late this year, or most likely, in 2021.
Existing workshops have been postponed already, and clients informed.
Little Owl Workshops
Pete has yet to establish whether the owls are present and breeding this year. If they are, then he is looking at setting up something slightly different to normal, using a hide, instead of the car. This should allow for a safe environment where social distancing guidelines can be maintained. More on this as and when it can be organised.
Image Sales And Prints
The printing labs that handle Pete's prints and other merchandise are open again for orders, so please browse through the products now available in the shop, and at the new images Pete has added recently. Thanks to everyone who has ordered prints during the lockdown period.