September 2024
2nd November 2024
November 2024
13th December 2024A good chunk of October saw me travelling south for some long overdue catching up with family and friends, and included a trip to the Midlands, London (to enjoy a David Gilmour concert), Cornwall and Essex, so I definitely covered most of the island!
At the end of the month, I was back at work over on Mull again, and we enjoyed a couple of days of otter photography, in typical Mull weather.
On the first day, after watching a single otter for some time, we were fortunate to see a second one approach, and the two spent almost half an hour playing.
I believe the pair were the local dog otter, plus a young female he was interested in, though she wasn't ready for mating. They wrestled, rolled and splashed around near the shore of the loch, and both my clients and I enjoyed the sight.
Of the hundreds of images taken, this one caught my eye, as the pair have a good grip of each other, are slightly in a heart-shape, and appear to be dancing!