March 2019
1st April 2019
May 2019
9th June 2019April's image normally comes from a trip east to Norfolk, but this year the break didn't happen, due to Dad's health. In fact April this year has been one of the quietest months I can remember for me getting out to do photography.
That said, at the start of the month, some warmer weather brought out the adders, and since Natural England were forced to cordon off my usual site, to protect the adders from idiots who think they'll find these shy creatures by kicking over logs, I have had to find another site, in another county as it happens.
While the bracken is flattened and new ferns are about to burst through the earth, the snakes have less cover and are somewhat easier to find. Though this male really stood out as he basked in the sunshine.
Beautiful creatures, and worthy of being the star of the month.