Happy New Year!!
1st January 2019Contact Forms – OK again
11th March 2019Tonight I discovered that the Contact Form from my "About" page has been registered on a site called Spamhaus, as being from a blocked IP address, so anything sent from there failed to reach my email account in a readable format.
Therefore until I can work out how to address this issue, I have removed the form from that page. Please simply click on the "info@petewalkden.co.uk" link on that page or at the footer of all pages, to send me an email.
Bizarrely all the other contact forms, for tours, tuition, workshops etc, are all working fine.
The joys of running your own website...
Please accept my humble apologies if anyone has used this form and heard nothing from me. I've just been through old messages and junk etc, to contact anyone I believe might have been affected by this issue.