November 2022
2nd December 2022
January 2023
31st January 2023December was a busy month for me, away from my career and passion, as we finally sold our house on Mull, and moved to a temporary one, while I wait for what I hope will be my new house, to reach a stage where I can move in. Don't ask. So images from the month were few and far between.
I enjoyed a couple of great encounters with otters, mainly when I was testing out my new "backup" camera body, a Canon R7. This cropped sensor camera gives me a 1.6x crop factor on images which means my RF100-500mm lens is effectively a 160-800mm lens, which for a carry-about lens, is fantastic.
I'll be writing a review on the new camera shortly, so my thoughts on that will be found there.
But the one encounter that jumps out to me was from a sunny day, when I had spotted a pair of golden eagles flying over one of the freshwater lochs not far from home, and I had followed them up to the top of a hill, to get a bit closer.
Both then drifted back and forth over the hill I was on, giving me some wonderful, close views. And the R7 didn't let me down either, capturing numerous images of these magnificent raptors.
My favourite is this one, as it shows not only the huge wingspan, but also the reason why they're called "golden" eagles. Beautiful.